Hi, I'm Label and I am here to help get your project started! I am going to start by lighting this joint...and showing you some of the different things we do so that you have a better idea of what you want, people are often surprised by the vast array of products we offer, so instead of overwhelm you I am going to let you decide what you would like to take a look at! You can dive in below and check some of the details and examples of our printing processes and some of the fun things we offer (If we don't have it listed just ask, I love new presses!) Just as a reminder and because I forget to tell people, you can always call us on the phone during the week, it's 740-382-6440 or go right up to the Contact button and it will get you an e-mail started to sales@labelmybud.com where people much more organized than myself can get your order started! But since you are still here let me light this up...

Mylar Bags
In a variety of sizes and colors pre labeled or direct printed

Wrapped Lighters
We can help you customize a whole wrap from start to finish

Jars & Packaging
We can send you jars labeled to your size and spec

Coming soon!